
Last updated : 22 February 2010 By exiledessexboy
Examples below with a reasonable day return from Southend stations.

The last train at 22.00 is up to £14 single, but we have a mixed transport option from London Victoria if you can get the afternoon off.

Go to for all the services and latest prices.

The ground is walkable from Norwich train station and should take you around 5-10mins to walk to the ground. From the station turn left and head for the Morrisons supermarket and you should see the ground behind that.

Single Fares

London Liverpool Street 14.30 - Norwich 16.27 - £10.00
London Liverpool Street 16.30 - Norwich 18.20 - £19.00
London Liverpool Street 17.30 - Norwich 19.22 - £37.00

Norwich 22.00 - London Liverpool Street 00.03 - £14.00

Day Return - £41.40 (For services after 16.00 service - £82.00 upwards)

Southend Victoria 14.06 - Norwich 16.27 - £10.00
Southend Victoria 15.46 - Norwich 18.20 - £14.00
Southend Victoria 16.35 - Norwich 19.22 - £37.00

Norwich 22.00 - Southend Victoria 00.15 - £14.00

Day Return - A very reasonable £36.60, I presume via Shenfield.

If your season ticket allows you there are singles available from Shenfield, but at similar prices and times as London and a day return for all services would be £33.50, check the website for details.

Rail station; top middle, the blue blob. Coach station; bottom left, Surrey Street. Stadium; botton right, Carrow Road.

Mixed transport option

If you work or live in London or can just make it to London Victoria, there are two coach services that can be purchased for £6.

With the train journey back that would make it £20 in total.

The services are:

London Victoria 14.00 - Norwich Bus Station 17.15
London Victoria 16.00 - Norwich Bus Station 19.20

The latter is OK with the ground so near the bus station, however traffic getting out of London could cause delay.

To purchase a coach ticket, go here:

groupsave badge

Remember, it's in a Group Save area that can cut fares in half if four of you can travel together, and any various travelcards will make it even cheaper.

To find out more, go here:

(Thanks to www.footballgroundguide for stadium directions.)